My New Shop Space for Astrology Game Cards

MY GAME DESIGNS are now in ‘PEG’S PLACE’ in My own Shop Space.

A new home for my cards. Take a peek:

Just one product so far. Watch for more games coming soon!


Planning your Vacation by Your Zodiac Sign

zodiac pictures all 12

Read your Sun Sign and Rising Sign for some clues as to what would make a great vacation for you!

ARIES:  The Mars energy always goes with you wherever you go.  However, a calm, quiet resort would certainly be a good contrast to your usual day.  You tend to pack in a lot of activity and excitement.  You may enjoy exploring the back roads and finding something new and different.  But instead of always looking for some excitement going on, you would really benefit from a complete change of scene.

TAURUS:  It’s usually a tropical island or a cruise for you, where someone else is planning the activities and serving the meals.   You want to sit and recharge and just release your tension. You often bring the family, but try to have one short period of time along without the kids.  Pass up the temptation to vacation with business friends.  Try to break the rut of always going to the same place every year.  Explore somewhere new every so often and try new places to eat.  See how great you feel!

GEMINI:  You dream about your vacations, imagining the ‘perfect’ trip.  You tend to make plans and then change them or add in another stop, because your ruler Mercury lends some changeability  to your nature.  However, this also affects others who are going with you.  You like taking tours, but it would be good to stay longer in a place so you can absorb what you are seeing more fully.   You like to read and also chat with those you meet. Rent a bike or motorscooter and see things along the way.  

CANCERIANS:   You really love to travel but usually like to keep some days to relax at home. You might take short trips, returning to sleep in your own comfy bed. Some take half the day just getting out the door and wonder why they don’t see as much as they had hoped.  Plan a start time and take time to choose where you would like to eat since you are a foodie.  You need to plan ahead and not get too emotional if things don’t always go as you’d like. Travel near water or somewhere romantic.  A cruise would be perfect!

LEO:  You love warmth, being a child of the Sun.  Also, you love  bright lights and sparkling people.  Discipline yourself to save the money to enjoy the comforts of a lovely, luxurious vacation.  You would love to rub shoulders with celebrities and lots of night life.   Getting a good suntan on a beautiful beach suits you.  Give thought to the clothes, jewelry and shoes that you will need, because you are inclined to over-pack.  Allow your family or co-travelers to have a say in where they would like to go.

VIRGO:   You tend to wait too long to accumulate the funds or the time to take a real vacation.  But when its time to go, you really might surprise your friends with the great trip you plan, like maybe a safari in Africa or an exotic flight to some tropical island. You will feel you are making up for lost time!  Take a lot of pictures and enjoy some extravagances.  A new side of you will emerge and then later you will enjoy reminiscing about your trip for many years.

LIBRA:  You have trouble deciding where to go and then might still change your mind, or sometimes circumstances cause you to cancel your plans.  If someone raves about a place they have visited, you are influenced to go and see if for yourself.  Do plan relaxation time and forget about those tours that cause you to rush.  Go where you can be waited on and pampered.  Your ruler Venus wants you to have all possible comforts, including fine food and interesting companionship.  Bring a lot of money, you’ll need it!

SCORPIO:  You need a vacation that provides beneficial changes to your usual routine with results that last all year.  You can fall in love with a special place and even have a holiday romance if thats your style.  You plan dramatic, intense vacations with many adventures.  Save unnecessary emotional upsets by realizing that vacation romances are usually just that.  Choose holiday companions with discretion.  Foreign countries attract you and music festivals and theater performances.  Music and drama are a great relief for your moody and secretive nature.  Your ruler Pluto seeks vacations that may have some danger involved somewhere on the trip but take care not to return all tired out.

SAGITTARIUS:  You love action-packed vacations and participating in or attending sports events.  The mountains and rugged outdoors attract you.  You require challenges and physical activity on your trip.  Try not to be impatient with family members or friends who need time to enjoy some relaxing time on a beach.  Take separate vacations occasionally.  Being so outgoing, you like good companionship and will meet people easily when you travel.

CAPRICORN:  You need to leave your work behind and don’t read email or answer work related calls while you are away unless you absolutely must.  You look so forward to escaping work but often bring projects along that need completing.  You need a relaxing vacation almost more than any other sign.   Something often holds you back from fully enjoying yourself and this is the Saturn-influence on your sign. You are practical and don’t always want to spend money on frivolity, which can impede full enjoyment for you.  But it’s money well-spent for you because you are such a hard worker, that you deserve a break.

AQUARIUS:  You are probably the most spontaneous traveler of the zodiac.  Uranus your ruler often erupts suddenly in your life and being a humanitarian, you may find yourself visiting or helping a sick friend or looking after a family member.  This frequently cuts your vacation time short for your own relaxation.  Sometimes you have to forego your original plans due to unexpected events.   As you age, you will spend more time relaxing at home, but its better to get away and unwind where there is peace and quiet and also meet interesting people who will provide an interesting discussion with you.

PISCES:  You like to plan fabulous vacations with romantic appeal and water nearby. You like new places and can enjoy yourself no matter where you go.  You don’t want to be cramped and so will choose spacious accommodations.   You like a mix of pleasant company and also lots of time for quiet introspection.  You are quite impressionable so choose your vacation spot wisely.  You always meet people and you know money spent on vacations can save money spent on doctors.  Vacations are so therapeutic for Pisces that they need to get away as often as possible.zodiac cartoons

Doesn’t this put you in the mood to plan a trip somewhere?  

What the Ancient Wisdom Teaches About the Astrological Signs

Blank Galaxy chart

History is full of stories showing the importance given to Astrology and Astronomy was seen as the foundation of Astrology.  All priests and governors in olden days had to have knowledge of the science of the stars and the science of numbers.  Astrology was always used to map out a person’s life.  The history of a race or country can also be determined by the influences of the day it began.  The twelve Zodiac signs represent the twelve lessons of human existence; the twelve qualities to be gradually achieved by every human being, life after life, but not necessarily sign after sign.  We have free will and can choose to work under a particular sign more often than the others or even disregard a specific sign, although this would produce a one-sided character and happens less often. 

The first sign, Aries, whose symbol is the ram, represents the first experience of life, the beginning of the human journey and bestows extreme physical activity, caring and impulsiveness.  They are ruled by Mars, the warrior.  Aries represents the head and Aries folks use their brains intensely, although without much experience of life to back them up.   At this, the beginning of the human journey, our human uses their quick-working brain and is eager and brave.  He or she is ready to lead and wants to help, but is yet a poor judge of character and can be easily deceived.  They make poor subordinates.  They need to guard against over-working their brains and need plenty of sleep. 

The second sign, Taurus, the bull, is very strong and plodding, but if suddenly aroused, they plunge swiftly to their goal and like the bull, they can be slowly aroused to anger.  Ruled by Venus, they learn lessons about loving deeply with their whole heart and with great devotion and also about money, planting and harvesting, working the earth patiently.  They are great agriculturists and nature lovers, singers and poets.  They are courageous and devoted people.  Their major problems come from overly luxurious living with much love for food and drink.  They are patient and determined.

The third sign, Gemini, the twins, ruled by the planet Mercury gives humans the next lesson which is how to use the brain for practical matters and for reasoning.   This gives a dual type of mind that can see both sides, and which also has great interest in every new idea presented.  They love to share their knowledge and make great teachers and writers.  Geminis are changeable and ambitious and their brains race up and down the tree of knowledge.  Given brilliance and quickness, they learn to develop a logical reasoning mind with rapid thought.  These qualities rely on the nervous system more than the brain, so they need to guard against overworking their sensitive nerves. 

The fourth sign, Cancer, the crab, ruled by the Moon comes in with the accumulated experience of the first three signs and the next lesson is to learn how to apply it.  Great patience and tenacity are given along with the talent for parenthood and family life.  This is the nurturing earth mother and even the men enjoy cooking and being in their secure homes.  There is restlessness too, causing an occasional desire to travel away from home.  Cancerians are like crabs, moving forward and then turning back or going sideways on to something else and so live a life of ups and downs.  The Moon makes them deeply sensitive and passionate for life.  They require discipline and order in their world.  Their accumulated experience now makes them ready to be good in the business world as well in the home.

The fifth sign, Leo, the Lion, ruled by the Sun incarnates with a great deal of knowledge of the human side of life and can produce very fine results.  The task for them is to go forth and become a powerful and well-developed human, capable of high achievements.    Often kings of men and people of power are born as Leos.  They are big-hearted, strong mentally and physically, proud, ambitious and popular.  Because they have not yet reached divine intuition, they may misunderstand and think less of those weaker than themselves.  They do, however, attract many followers.  Friends may cause them disillusionment because Leo is not used to adapting to the ways of others.

The sixth sign, Virgo the virgin, is ruled by Mercury just like Gemini.  They come in to learn discrimination.   At this point, humans have risen to great heights through using impulsiveness, forcefulness and a growing talent for self-expression.   Virgo is given a natural fastidiousness and a critical eye.  They are to begin from the angle of a critic rather than a person of action like the Mercury ruled Gemini.  They are adaptable and make excellent subordinates, work well and are usually successful.   They have exquisite taste.  Virgos will organize us.  They are the restaurant keepers, journalists, art critics and health workers. 

Up to this point Man has learned to be a complete human being, but only half the journey is accomplished.  The second half is about learning to become a spiritual person and live in both the world of power and spirit while on earth and have the mind be in touch with the Divine.  Here we learn there is more to life than the physical world.  Things become harder to understand, and the first thing our human must now learn is balance. 

the sun character

The seventh sign, Libra, the scales, is ruled by Venus just as Taurus is.  Librans can actually miss many opportunities in life through too much weighing and balancing through over-thinking things.  Now the human is becoming psychic and intuitive and would do better going with the first impression.  There is a lot of love in Libra, but it has now become more mental than physical.  They are able to love abstract things such as harmony, peace, justice and beauty.  They truly dislike all disharmony in life.  They will avoid an argument and this is because the refining process has begun.  They are definitely not cowardly or weak.  They are the lawyers, judges and specialists, the architects and researchers.  Many Librans hold themselves back, afraid to let themselves go; and so to compensate they may tend to overwork.

The eighth sign, Scorpio, the scorpion or eagle, ruled by Pluto and before its discovery by Mars.  Our next lesson is to transmute the tender passion of love to the higher planes.  Scorpios have magnetic, forceful personalities and others feel fascinated by them and they can draw fanatical devotion.  This sign produces many saints and many villains too; both the best and the worst!   They can be their own worst enemy, or else have the beginnings of wisdom and attainment of high spirituality.    They usually pass through the fire of the temptation of sex in all its forms to learn that it is the sex-force that gets used for higher attainment.  There is versatility and loyalty and they are capable of swaying others.  They are proud and ambitious, with intense and enduring feelings. 

The ninth sign, Sagittarius, the archer is ruled by Jupiter and the goal now is truth and the beginnings of unselfishness.  Sagittarians instinctively believe that truth is beautiful and they wish to spread it around joyfully.   They love life and travel and are full of humor.  They can be domineering and stubborn, but they always attempt to make others happy.  They are very hospitable and since they contain the qualities of all the preceding signs, they are very versatile.  Music and ceremony appeal and they will give great encouragement to music, the arts and the pleasures and luxuries of life.   Their agile minds cause them to jump to results without patient study.  They must always be actively employed and take periods of complete rest to relax their tenseness.  Sagittarians are very popular with a great zest for life.

The tenth sign, Capricorn, the mountain goat is ruled by Saturn.  Humans are now bending their will to attain spiritual accomplishment and Saturn, the great tester and trainer is here to help.  Saturn holds Capricorns down to earth, pressing upon them and sometimes depressing them.  Our humans are now ready to stand on their own two feet and work things out for themselves, rather than following others’ lead.   They are ready for thoughtful, practical work and have appreciation for intellect and the sciences as well as the occult. There is independence and pride, organization and desire for leadership.   There is tact, pity and patience and ability to now see outside of self, using suffering to identify with the feelings of all humanity.  They usually put the work ahead of the chance for fun.  Capricorn may be hard to understand, complex with unusual reactions, and yet with the stern discipline that is part of their lives, they usually live a long time and are quite healthy. 

The eleventh sign, Aquarius, the water bearer, is ruled by Uranus and before its discovery, they were also Saturn ruled.   By now our human is ready to pour out the waters of life, along with all their ideas on others.  By now, they have lost some of their pride and begun to feel that they are a part of the whole.  They are making great steps forward by beginning to give more importance to others than to themselves.    Aquarians like to gather with others in groups to work for the betterment of all.  They are no longer ambitious totally for themselves.  They will work in the background, unless inspired to work for a cause.   Their minds are learning to be non-attached, honest and free.  They have great sympathy for human weakness.  They are still overly-sensitive and can read character well.  This gives intense likes and dislikes.  They have developed some of the finer qualities of the soul, causing them to be delicately balanced.  There can be frail health, yet nobody has more reserve force than these humanitarians. 

The twelfth sign, Pisces, the sign of the fish ruled by Neptune and previously by Jupiter, encompasses the most perfected type of spiritual humans.  The lesson now is the final letting go of the self and complete merging into the lives and feelings of others.  Many wonderful actors are Pisceans, and also great poets, artists and musicians.  Pisces produces the strongest and the weakest types of humans.  The force flowing through them is difficult to handle and unless well-used, they can turn to drink, drugs and other excesses for escape.  Being the sign of fish going in two directions, they can go either way.  They need courage and confidence in themselves to be inspired to great heights of self-denial and attainment.  Having attained the qualities of all the previous signs, they now have a natural understanding.  Pisceans are very devoted to their friends and are the romantics.  They identify with the universe and love traveling and everything about the sea. 

pisces larger color

It’s important to note that Astrology subdivides the twelve signs many times over.  The laws of rebirth, karma and free will allow for numberless variations of the order for progressing through these signs.  The number of times the humans have accomplished the full round will determine the old or experienced souls or new souls.  The perfected human is a blend of the best of all the signs. 

Viennese zodiac




The Astrology Game of Cards:    A good place to begin to enjoy the Basics of Astrology!

my cards learning layout

There are 4 cards for each Zodiac Sign in the above picture.

  • Column 1 shows  the Number cards
  • Column 2 shows the Constellation cards
  • Column 3 shows the Key Word cards
  • Column 4 shows the Symbol cards

Notice that on the left column, the Number cards start at the 1st sign Aries and go down to the 12th sign Pisces.  Each of the other columns do exactly the same, showing them in order from Aries to Pisces.   Shuffle the cards and find one card for each of the different types.  Then sort all of the cards into different piles; each pile made up of the same kind of card.  Then, starting with the Number cards, sort that pile into the order of their place in the Zodiac.

Notice that at the very top are two of the Helper cards…one showing the Order of the signs, and the other is an example of a Horoscope Wheel.

The helper card should now be used to help you sort each of the columns from Aries to Pisces.

If you play with the cards this way a few times, you will rapidly become familiar with them and this knowledge will be helpful as you begin to play all the fun games to follow!

If you look at the Symbols cards, you will learn the dates that each sign falls within.  e.g. Aries falls between March 22 and April 20th.  ( The dates for each sign can change according to your year of birth.  Birthdays on a cusp need a Birth Chart  done to determine their actual sign.  e.g. the beginning or end dates could change if you were born close to the beginning or end of a sign.

Now that you are familiar with the cards, a great game to start with is the “old fashioned” game of  WAR.   After shuffling, the deck is divided between the players.  Without looking at their cards, each player simultaneously plays their top card and the highest sign takes all the cards (Pisces being the highest card for this game).  If there is a tie, each then lays 3 cards face down spelling out w-a-r and turns up the 4th card proclaiming the word war and the highest card takes all cards in that play.  The largest pile wins!

Now you are ready to play some more great games!  See my Blog on How to Play The Astrology Game of Cards, which is also on the Menu Bar.

An Astrology Game For Fun and Learning


pisces cards



See my later posts for More Information!


All Planets Will Go Direct/Forward

 Jupiter solar system

Beginning December 25th, 2015 with Uranus stationing direct, all of the major planets in our solar system will be moving direct/forward. This continues until January 6th, 2016. 

It’s uniquely a time where the earth’s perspective becomes like the Sun, where the vibration of the solar system can provide an extraordinary kind of cosmic assistance to any endeavor created to benefit human life on earth and where the whole planet can be energized by cosmic fuel rather than fossil fuels.

We might expect new discoveries with Uranus kicking this off including science, astronomy, astrology, technology, national social systems,  and also the potential for instant and massive deep genuine  global peace and harmony. This could also bring a sudden, shocking communication leak that leads to massive, positive changes on our Earth.

Be mindful at every moment of the possibility of an awesome breakthrough toward world harmony and peaceful tolerance among all cultures on Earth. There could even be a moment of  acceptable alien communications.  Who will be contacted is also part of the unknown mystery.

Manifestations can be quickened during this time. Coming together in groups to do such things is also a great way to use this beautiful and empowering astrological energy.  Share this in the coming days leading up to this rare cycle that begins on December 25th, 2015 so we can reach as many people as possible to consciously co-create a beautiful new world during this 11 day cycle.

This certainly sounds good to me!             open box stars

Thank you to Astrologer Stephanie Forest and Lance Schuttler for sharing this information.